Orvi IoX - Unified IoT Platform

Enterprise Grade, Secured, Scalable

Develop, Deploy IoT Application with Ease

IoX is a unified IoT platform for all IoT application development. IoX is built around open source IoT Platform & Industry Standard IoT Components. IoX is performant, secured, scalable and truly enterprise grade. IoX integrates versatile time-series database; InfluxDB and is a comprehensive aggregation of all essential IoT connectivity protocols & cloud services that helps create, build and implement versatile Industrial and consumer grade IoT Application. IoX also integrates tensor flow AI/ML for proactive & predictive monitoring and managing critical system parameters. Built as a set of micro-services, containerized by the docker & orchestrated by Kubernetes. IoX provides flexible deployment strategy and can be deployed both on cloud and in-premises

Dynamic Device Management

Orvi IoX supports zero touch dynamic device management, bootstrapping, device provisioning. Devices automatically authenticates itself with the Osiris IoT Platform and establish secured data connectivity. The device owner need to create an account on Orvi IoT platform and Add the IoT, Once added successfully, device can be accessed and monitored from anywhere anytime

End to End Data Security

All Data transaction between the sensor nodes to the Orvi IoT platform is secured with data encryption. Enhanced and fine grained security through deployment ready authorization and authentication server with access control scheme based on customizable API Keys. NGNIX reverse proxy for security, load balancing and termination of TLS and DTLS connection

AI & Machine Language Integration

Orvi IoX integrates popular Open Source AI & ML library Loudml for Advance Analytics, proactive and preventive actionable insight.

Protocols & Hardware Agnostic

Orvi IoX Platform supports all popular Industry standard IoT connectivity protocols like MQTT, HTTP, WEB Socket, CoAP). Orvi IoX is truly Device & Hardware agnostic

IoT Platform Key Features

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